Selecta One Poinsettias 2025

Tips for Producing Picture-Perfect Poinsettias


Unrooted Cuttings 1. Open boxes upon arrival and check the temperature inside the box. 2. Unpack cuttings in a cooler at 50°F (10°C) and monitor temperatures throughout the unpacking, storing and sticking process. If temperature is greater than 70°F (21°C), allow cuttings to cool before sticking. Keep cuttings moist and turgid while handling. 3. Stick cuttings in media-filled liner trays, preferably using a stabilized media such as Ellepot or Oasis. Note: It’s preferable to stick unrooted cuttings right away. If you must store cuttings, keep them cool at 50°F (10°C) for no more than 24 hours. After sticking, keep propagation environment shaded and cool for the first 2 days to limit stress.

Infrared thermometers help you keep a close eye on temperatures.

(Left) cool unrooted cuttings; (Right) allowed to warm

Note: Growers should use the information presented in this guide as a starting point. Crop times will vary depending on the climate, location, time of year and greenhouse environmental conditions. Chemical and PGR recommendations are only guidelines. It is the responsibility of the applicator to read and follow all the current label directions for the specific chemical being used in accordance with all regulations. PRO TIP A single application of a low-dose CapSil within 24 hours can maximize efficiency of misting and reduce stress on cuttings. High doses or repeated applications will cause distortion of new growth. Use Capsil at a rate of 1 to 2 oz./100 gal. to break the surface tension of water on the leaf.

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